Private Tour Samana Whale Watching + Cayo Levantado (Bacardi Island) from Samaná Port

Original price was: $95.00.Current price is: $84.99.

Private whale watching trip in Samana bay, the Dominican Republic with Locals tours Guides. Feel free to set your time to arrived or to finish the Excursion. Lunch and timing are set by your self. Book Now this excursion in Samana bay for a Good whale watching trip experience.

Note: This tour is a Private Tour with a Minimum Payment. To join a group for whale watching with the same price in Catamaran please  CLICK HERE.


Mesedez, hautatu txangoaren data:


From Samaná port Private Boat Tour

Samana Cayo Levantado + Whale Watching

This is a Private Tour Minimum 4 People. To Book same trip in Catamaran Groups Klikatu hemen.

If you are less than 4 People  and will like Private Contact us.

Ikuspegi orokorra🐳

Saihestu turista talde handiak and make your Whale watching in Samaná bay starting from Samaná port in a private Boat. This Trip starts at 9:00 Am and Finishes at 5:00 Pm. But because it will be a private trip you may set the time for starting and to finish. Meeting before in Our Office next to the Royal Restaurant. After aborting our Boat to visit the Whales in their own habitat.  Our Captains are trained to make sure that you see whales.

From 9:00 Am until 12:00-noon Whale watching observatory and After this Whale trip we will visit Bacardi Island / Cayo Levantado. In Bacardi Island, Lunch Buffet from typical Dominican Style will be provided (Rice, Beans, Fish, Salads…). When lunch is finished you are allowed to swim until 4:30 pm. Tour will be finished at 5:00 pm at the same port from where it will start.

Ohar: This tour is Private. (Just you and Family or friends on board with Captain and Tour Guide).

  • Baleak Behatzeko bidaia
  • Behatokirako sarrerak
  • Buffet bazkaria hondartzan barne
  • Itsasontzien transferentzia
  • Kapitainak instrukzioa eta gainbegiratzea ematen du
  • Tour gida


Inklusioak eta bazterketak




  1. Buffet bazkaria hondartzan
  2. Tour gida
  3. Katamaran edo itsasontziz bidaia
  4. Zerga, tasa eta kudeaketa-gastu guztiak
  5. Tokiko zergak
  6. Edariak


  1. Doanak
  2. Transferentzia Autoa
  3. Edari alkoholdunak


Irteera eta Itzulera

Bidaiariak bilgune bat lortuko du Erreserba Prozesuaren ondoren. Bisitak gure topaguneetan hasi eta amaitzen dira.


Zer espero?


Eskuratu zure sarrerak for a day Whale Watching private tour in Samaná bay plus a wonderful lunch and beach time at Bacardi Island.

The Daypass for whale watching, organized by “Booking Adventures” starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide. Lunch at the beach and you can stay as long as you want swimming around. If you are Vegan we also can set some food for you.


8:45 - 17:00


Zer ekarri behar duzu?

  • kamera
  • Kimuak uxatzeko
  • eguzkitako krema
  • Txapela
  • Praka erosoak
  • Sandaliak hondartzara
  • Igeriketa arropa
  • Oroigarrietarako dirua


Hoteleko bilketa

Bisita honetarako ez da hoteleko bilketa eskaintzen.


Ohar: Txangoaren irteera ordutik 24 orduko epean erreserbatzen baduzu, hoteleko bilketa antola dezakegu aparteko karguekin. Erosketa amaitutakoan, harremanetarako informazio osoa bidaliko dizugu (telefono zenbakia, helbide elektronikoa, etab.) gure tokiko Tour gidari bilketa-antolaketak antola ditzan.

Informazio gehigarria berrespena

  1. Sarrerak Tour hau ordaindu ondoren ordainagiria dira. Ordainketa zure telefonoan erakutsi dezakezu.
  2. Topagunea Erreserba Prozesuaren ondoren jasoko da.
  3. Haurrak heldu batekin joan behar dira.
  4. gurpil-aulkirako sarbidea
  5. Haurrak magalean eseri behar dira
  6. Bidaiari gehienek parte har dezakete

Baliogabetze politika

Itzulketa osoa lortzeko, bertan behera utzi esperientziaren hasiera data baino 24 ordu lehenago gutxienez.

Jarri gurekin harremanetan?


Bertakoak eta Nazionalak Bisita-gidak eta gonbidatuentzako zerbitzuak

Erreserbak: Bisitak eta txangoak Dom. Rep.

📞 Tel/Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 info@bookingadventures.com.do

Whatsapp bidez bisita pribatuak ezartzen malguak gara: +18097206035.
