Slapovi El Limón + Las Terrenas s kosilom na plaži

Izvirna cena je bila: $75.00.Trenutna cena je: $67.99.

This is a Private tour to The waterfalls El Limón with Riding on Horses or Hiking. Visiting cacao and Coffe forest under Coconuts Palms Canopy. When you arrive at the Waterfalls you are allowed to swim and Set the time with your Local Guide. After enjoying a Typical Lunch in Las Terrenas Beach.

Learn with locals and get a Safe trip. Get your Tickets in Offer Today.


Prosimo izberite datum za turnejo 


Horses + Waterfalls + Beach

El Limon Waterfalls + Las Terrenas with lunch on the beach


This is a Private tour to The Waterfalls El Limón with Riding on Horses or Hiking. Visiting cacao and Coffe forest under Coconuts Palms Canopy. When you arrive at the Waterfalls you are allowed to swim and Set the time with your Local Guide. After enjoying a Typical Lunch in Las Terrenas Beach.

Learn with locals and get a Safe trip. Get your Tickets in Offer Today.

  • Includes Lunch on the beach 
  • Horses Riding or Hiking
  • The guide provides instructions and Supervision
  • Fees to the National Park


Vključitve in izključitve



  1. Samopostrežno kosilo na plaži
  2. Hiking or Horses Riding  Tour
  3. Vsi davki, pristojbine in manipulativni stroški
  4. Lokalni davki
  5. pijače
  6. Vse dejavnosti
  7. Lokalni vodnik


  1. Napitnine
  2. Prenos
  3. Alkoholne pijače


Odhod in povratek

Potnik bo dobil zbirališče po opravljenem postopku rezervacije. Ogledi se začnejo in končajo na naših zbirališčih.


Kaj pričakovati?


Zagotovite si vstopnice for visiting The Waterfalls El Limón in Samaná plus a wonderful lunch and beach time on Las Terrenas  Beach.

The tour, organized by «Booking Adventures» starts at the meeting point set with the Tour Guide.

Best Private trips to El Limon waterfalls with a local tour guide. Book a  Horse riding trip by the Forest going around the edge of the Lemon River, visiting cacao and Coffe plantations under the Coconuts shadows palms trees.

First, stop in the Small waterfall where usually there are not many people and you can swim around. After we continue to the big waterfall where we will stay for an hour or more if you want to.

Getting horses back to the restaurant where we will enjoy a typical lunch at the beach. Frite fish with Tostones and Salad or you can get other options in the menu with extra charges.

After beach time our tour finishes.

Lunch at the beach and you can stay as long you want swimming around. Frite fish and Tostones are offered! If you are Vegan we also can set some food for you.


Kaj morate prinesti?

  • fotoaparat
  • Odganjalni popki
  • sončna krema
  • Klobuk
  • Udobne hlače
  • Pohodniški čevlji za gozd
  • Sandali za na plažo
  • Kopalna oblačila


Prevzem v hotelu

Prevzem iz hotela za to turnejo ni na voljo.


Opomba: Če ste rezervirani v 24 urah po času odhoda potovanja/izleta, lahko organiziramo hotelski prevzem z doplačilom. Ko bo vaš nakup opravljen, vam bomo poslali popolne kontaktne podatke (telefonsko številko, e-poštni naslov itd.) za našega lokalnega turističnega vodnika, ki bo organiziral prevzem.

Potrditev dodatnih informacij

  1. Vstopnice so potrdilo po plačilu tega izleta. Plačilo lahko prikažete na telefonu.
  2. Zbirno mesto bo prejeto po opravljenem postopku rezervacije.
  3. Otroci morajo biti v spremstvu odrasle osebe.
  4. Ni dostopno z invalidskim vozičkom
  5. Dojenčki morajo sedeti v naročju
  6. Ni priporočljivo za popotnike s težavami s hrbtom
  7. Ni priporočljivo za nosečnice
  8. Brez težav s srcem ali drugih resnih zdravstvenih težav
  9. Večina popotnikov lahko sodeluje

Politika odpovedi

Za povračilo celotnega zneska prekličite vsaj 24 ur pred datumom začetka doživetja.

Kontaktiraj nas?

Booking Adventures

Domačini in Državljani Turistični vodniki in storitve za goste

Rezervacije: Ogledi in izleti v Dom Rep.

📞 Tel/Whatsapp  +1-809-720-6035.

📩 info@bookingadventures.com.do

Zasebne izlete prek Whatsappa smo prilagodljivi: +18097206035.
